Board of Directors

As a non-profit organization, the Halifax Cycling Coalition is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. The HCC Board of Directors is elected by our members at our annual general meeting. Board members have two-year terms and they oversee the operation of the HCC.

2023-24 Board of Directors

David Trueman (Chair)
Dec 2022 –
David loves cycling whether it is running errands at all times of year, making a run to Pavia for coffee or riding from Ottawa to Halifax like last summer. He has recently returned to Halifax after living in Ontario for 13 years for work. While there he helped to found CycleWR, the cycling advocacy group in Waterloo. Now, he’s excited to bring that experience to Halifax and work with others to make this an even better city for everyone to enjoy cycling safely and confidently. 
Matt Stickland (Vice Chair)

Matt Stickland has been an avid bike rider for almost a year. After spending 40 years driving, he sold a motorcycle and bought an e-bike on a whim. He rode it one time, sold his car and never looked back. He’s been covering city hall as a beat reporter for about five years, most recently for The Coast. He is excited to join the Halifax Cycling Coalition and use his knowledge of city hall to help communicate the importance of safe transportation options in the HRM.
Joan Stonehocker (Treasurer)

While I am new to Halifax, I believe my professional and volunteer experience, and passion for active transportation and building community, make me an ideal candidate for the Board of Directors. I have several decades of experience as a board member in various organizations including small non-profits and charities to public libraries. As a recently retired senior manager of a small charity, I am aware of the challenges and opportunities facing a small non-profit organization, from financial management and sourcing funding to managing staff, and communicating with both the public and decision makers.
Keriann MacNaughton-Seguin (Secretary)
Dec 2022 –
Keriann moved to Halifax in 2011 and has enjoyed watching the city develop and change since then. She sees this city, like many other places, trying to offer more viable transportation options to its inhabitants and is hoping to make her contribution to that process as secretary for the HCC. She loves her bike for its practicalities like commuting and running errands, but also just for the sheer enjoyment of riding. Her hope is that over time more and more people will feel comfortable cycling as part of their everyday lives and will be able to reap the many benefits of it. Keriann works in an administrative role now and plans to switch gears soon in pursuit of a college diploma in Urban Planning and GIS.
Peter Zimmer (Past Chair)

Peter has been cycling in Halifax since 1969, and in his late-70s he still uses his bike as my primary city transportation vehicle (while also walking, using transit and Communauto Atlantic). He has had a serious long-term interest in all sorts of mobility solutions for this city, putting in many hours as a citizen-participant in civic planning events over the past decades. He’s previously worked with the HCC Infrastructure Committee for a couple of years, and with Leading With Transit. He was one of the founders of CarShareHFX (now Communauto Atlantic) in 2008, retiring from managing it in 2014. He is also the newly appointed Nova Scotia ambassador for the Cycling Without Age program.
Talan İşcan

Talan İşcan is a Professor and Chair of the Economics Department at Dalhousie University, where he has been teaching and conducting research since 1994. He has also taught courses and gave lectures in South America, the Caribbean, the Baltic countries, and the United States. He has been an advocate for naturalized urban landscapes, and safe and convenient walking and cycling for all ages and abilities. He feels that affordable transportation like cycling is a human right.
Colin MacIntosh

I’m Colin MacIntosh. During the last 6 years, I’ve been building cycling commuting into my daily life. I used to live in the south end and bike to the Irving shipyard, now I live in the new growing area of west Bedford and bike to my office job at Bell in Bedford. I ride a Norco Threshold as my main commuter as well as my Rad Power ebike. On the weekends in the warmer months you can catch me at the McIntosh Run mountain biking trail network in the Shaw Wilderness Area. I’m really excited about being part of the Halifax Cycling Coalition Board at this time of Halifax’s exceptional growth. Creating safer cycling and improving ridership as we redesign our urban infrastructure to accommodate more people will create sustainable mobility for generations to come. Im looking forward to helping.
Edson Castilho

Edson cycles year round in Halifax, both as a bike commuter and as a leisure rider for exercise and outings with family and friends. He has participated in many Kidical Mass rides. He has arranged a small bike bus for some children from his son’s school. He is a member of the steering committee at the IWK for Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Reconciliation, Accessibility (EDIRA)
Marion Cousin

Originally from Paris, France, Marion has lived in 3 other cities before calling Nova Scotia home 3 years ago. Being super active and an advocate of daily intake of fresh air, she wants to fight for HRM to have better options for people to move around. She commutes on her bike and loves interacting with nature and people met on the way. You can spot her on her bike around Dartmouth or over the bridge laughing at cars stuck in traffic while her kid is making dinosaur noises.
Aaron MacRitchie

Growing up, cycling was the default mode of transportation. Going to the park? Bike there. Going to the movies? Bike there. From this early exposure to two wheels, Aaron has been fortunate enough to form a deep and meaningful relationship with cycling. He believes that seeing the world from two wheels can strengthen our connection to community, build our physical and mental health, and simply make you feel like a kid again.

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