October 15, 2012

Fall in LOVE with Trails this Fall . . .

This October, HRM is challenging you to get out and get active on our trails.  Whether you are presently active, or need a spark to get started, the Get Out Check it Out resource (found at www.halifax.ca/trails) will lead you to many great trails and adventures throughout the municipality.

To join the October Trail Challenge you can enter online at www.halifax.ca/trails between
October 1st – October 31st, 2012!  Great prizes for individuals, families, schools and community groups.  Please pass this message along to your community/school/workplace/networks!

We are so lucky in HRM to have so many places and spaces for people to get moving – especially in the outdoors!Did you know:  Most of the wonderful trails that we have in HRM were developed, and are maintained by community volunteer groups.  For more information on the Halifax Regional Trails Association go to www.halifax.ca/trailsBrought to you by HRM Community and Recreation Services, HRM Trails, HRM Corporate Communications, and HRM Regional Transportation Planning