Annual General Meetings

About our AGM
The Halifax Cycling Coalition’s Annual General Meeting is an opportunity for members to learn about what HCC has been up to over the past year. You can also connect with the Board of Directors. We appreciate hearing your feedback at the AGM to help us set our direction for the year ahead. Every year, a new Board of Directors is elected by our members so this is your chance to exercise your right to vote on new board members, or to join the board yourself! Every member has a vote at the AGM.

Consulting Services
We offer complete donec placerat – metus erat, conubia nostra, per inceptos vulputate nulla iaculis inceptos vulputate nulla iaculis eu. Class litora torquent! Donec imperdiet risus justo ulputate nulla iaculis eu creative volutpat donec placerat metus erat.