Five years after it was approved by council the Hollis Street bicycle lane is almost built. The signs have been installed. Paving is in progress. Today a paint crew was painting sections of the lane. As we were out taking pictures we found a delivery truck parked in the lane immediately behind the paint crew!
Unfortunately, this isn’t illegal in Halifax. In 2010 the province changed the law, allowing delivery vehicles to park in bicycle lanes. That’s why we’re working with the Downtown Halifax Business Association and the city to improve loading access on the right-hand side of Hollis Street and have the Hollis Street bicycle lane upgraded to a protected lane, which will block delivery trucks and other vehicles from it, improving the safety of cyclists on this busy trucking corridor.
If all goes according to plan the lane will be completed and open to everyone next week.
What can we do about trucks blocking the Hollis Street bicycle lane?
In the mean time, please hang tight. This will be an ongoing issue and there is nothing we can do to resolve it in the short term. Rest assured that we are working to make this a protected bicycle lane and to remove the law allowing delivery vehicles to park in bicycle lanes. We will let you know when it’s time to lobby your MLA to remove this inconsiderate legislation.
While we work to make cycling safe and convenient for all road users we hope you’ll take full advantage of the new bike lane. With your donations we will keep fighting to build a bike network that stretches across Halifax.