April 14, 2017

Welcoming Wheels Buddy Program

Welcoming Wheels is a Halifax-based community collaborative that provides bikes, safety equipment and cycling safety training to newcomers. We want to take that connection one step further. The Welcoming Wheels Buddy Program is a pilot initiative that will pair refugees who received bicycles from Welcoming Wheels with another member of the community.

Riding a bicycle is an efficient, healthy and inexpensive way to get around. But riding on the roads can be intimidating, especially if you are new to the area and are faced with the task alone.  The goals of the Welcoming Wheels Buddy program is to bridge this gap. We partner refugees with a local bicycling enthusiast to help refugees feel more confident riding their new bicycle.  Having another person to help guide them around Halifax will help refugees connect to the people and places in their new community. Welcoming Wheels Buddy Program  provides support for refugees to gain the confidence and skills they need and enjoy the freedom of moving around the city on a bicycle.

Welcoming Wheels

The first recipients of bicycles from the Welcoming Wheels program.


We running Bike Buddy Program with Welcoming Wheels and are now looking for volunteers who are interested in being paired up with newcomer for the first round of this exciting initiative. Being a buddy to a refugee is a unique opportunity to welcome newcomers to Halifax, make a new friend and show someone around your favourite bicycle spots in the community!

We are looking for volunteers who would like to become a buddy and have the following interests and skills:

  • Can confidently ride a bicycle. You should be someone who is comfortable riding on busy streets, intersections and has some experience riding in the HRM. You must also have confident knowledge the proper rules for cyclists.
  • Has experience bicycling on a variety of roads & trails in Halifax. A buddy will be showing their partner around the city and local trails. This will help refugees become familiar with regional routes and local destinations.
  • Can commit to ridding with their buddy  1 time per week (May – August). 
    In order to begin feeling more comfortable bicycling, a buddy will need to set aside time to coordinate rides with their partners. The program requires that volunteers be willing to commit to at least one 45 minute bicycle ride per week with their partner. The pilot program will run for the months of May, June, and July. In order to ensure consistency in the program we require a 3 month commitment from volunteers.
  • Will attend an information and cultural training session on May 5th at 5:00pm (5553 Bloomfield Street).  ISANS will provide an information and cultural training session to participants  before they begin the program. During the training session we will discuss the unique challenges that newcomers face coming to Halifax. We will also provide a more detailed overview of the role of a W.W. Buddy. You will meet other volunteers and have the chance to ask any questions you may have about being a buddy.

Please fill out the form bellow. Once we have received the sign-up form we will follow-up with an e-mail confirming that we have received your registration. We are also looking for volunteers who are interested in helping run the W.W. Buddy program. If you want to participate but are not able to commit to weekly rides, this is great way to get involved!
Questions? Please contact Celyna Arnold  bikebuddies@cyclehalifax.ca.

Welcoming Wheels Buddy Sign-Up