April 6, 2013

Open Street Party/Bikefest 2013!

The Halifax Cycling Coalition (HCC) and Mountain Equipment Co-op-Halifax are hosting the 5th annual Open Street Party/Bikefest on Sunday, June 2nd as part of HRM Bike Week 2013!

The event runs from at 2 PM to 5 PM on the North Commons. The north side of Cogswell Street will be closed to traffic and open to biking, walking, running, rollerblading or any other activity you would like to do. On the Commons you will find info booths set up about the HCC, MEC, and other bike friendly organizations, plus yoga in the park and other fun activities (we will update with more details closer to the event).


Also, if you would like to help out with setting up & running the event on the day-of, please email Kaitlin at contact@cyclehalifax.ca.