February 22, 2014

Top 4 things that attract Cyclists to your Business

Over the past few years we’ve been approached by many businesses asking about how to get people on bikes, to stop and shop. People who ride bikes spend similarly to those on foot or in cars. The one big way cyclists shop is differently is in their support for small local shops. Biking long distances is tiring. A cyclist would rather make a few short trips to small shops instead of trekking out to big box business parks.  We made a list of the top things that help local businesses attract customers who go by bike. If you feel like we missed any feel free to contact us.

1. Welcome them

  • Distribute free bike maps (ask at City Hall) and free cycling magazines (such as Momentum)


  • Introduce yourself to the closest bike shop, and offer to refer them if anyone asks

  • Have a bike air pump that cyclists can use if they need it

  • Advertise to cyclists, speak to them directly and create promotions that are sure to delight them.

2. Provide Bike parking

  • Offer bike parking that’s easy to see and access. 12 bicycles can fit in the spot of one parked car giving you up to 12 times the customers.

  • To get bike racks installed it might be only a phone call away. HRM has a program that installs bike racks free of charge

  • Place parking within view of the inside of the store

  • Provide a covered area for parking to protect your customer’s bike from the elements

  • Indoor parking is best. If there is space in your store or restaurant for bikes, put up a sign and welcome them in

  • Ask for the transformation of an on-street parking space to be replaced with a bike parking corral

  • Arrange a Clean Nova Scotia bike valet for special events

3. Help them Bring it Home

  • Invest in protective packaging for fragile items like dishes, photo frames or flowers

  • Package items in separate, smaller quantities so they fit in baskets and panniers

  • In wet weather, offer waterproof packaging like extra plastic bags

  • Offer to deliver larger purchases like furniture and mattresses

  • Hold purchases when needed so the customer can arrange pick up

4. Attract them with Support and Promotions

  • Cyclists love a deal! Show riders you appreciate their transportation choice.

  • Give discounts or services to customers who show their bike helmet.

  • Organize a day with specials for cyclists and advertise it where there are plenty of bikes

  • Publicly support bike lanes and other projects on your street that with bring more cyclists to your business