October 20, 2013

The Windsor Street Bike Lane is open!

The Halifax Cycling Coalition is pleased to announce the completion of the Windsor Street Bike Lane. To celebrate this multi-year project, we would like to invite the public to stop by for cake on Monday, October 21st, starting at 4:30pm, while supplies last. The HCC will be set up near Duncan Street to greet cyclists.

The Windsor Street Bike Lane was selected by the Halifax Regional Municipality following a petition circulated by the Halifax Cycling Coalition. In November 2010 the Coalition collected over 1,400 signatures supporting “the installation of an active transportation corridor in the form of a bike lane that connects South End Halifax to the North End.”

A bike lane on Windsor Street is a great step in achieving the vision of a North-South corridor. Windsor Street is the second-most popular North-South route for cyclists, and we predict these lanes will increase the number of cyclists in the area. The Halifax Cycling Coalition will continue to pursue a bike lane on Agricola Street, which is currently the most popular route. The Agricola Street route benefits from proximity to businesses and from a lack of busses and heavy trucks which can cause a danger to cyclists.