Fix The Bridge Rally September 22nd
We want to be heard loud and clear when councillors enter city hall on Tuesday. Be there from 9-10am to show your support for a better approach to the MacDonald Bridge. RSVP today. Check out our ideas for sign slogans below.
The next few days are pivotal for the future of the bridge. The current bike lane approaches on the Halifax and Dartmouth sides act as barriers between the two communities. With the ongoing “Big Lift” re-decking project the timing couldn’t be better for the City to put their money where their mouth is. On September 22, Halifax Council will vote on a fix to the MacDonald Bridge bicycle lane approaches and we need your support to ensure they say yes.
This is what staff are recommending for the Halifax side. The fix will remove the need for cyclists to ride down to Barrington Street to get on the bridge. Cyclists already on Barrington Street will retain the use of the existing ramp. From the end of this overpass people can ride their bicycles on a protected bicycle lane all the way to Gottingen Street. Staff are also recommending fixes to the Dartmouth side of the bridge, with a new path on Lyle Street to Shore Road, and improvements to the Nantucket and Wyse intersection. Things are about to get much better for Halifax’s bicycle riders.
This is an exciting time for the city, and we are optimistic council will make this $2 million investment in bicycle infrastructure. If we want a healthy community that isn’t reliant on cars to get around then we need to make this investment. In fact, improving the Halifax connection to the Macdonald Bridge was the #2 request in the 2014 Active Transportation Priorities Plan, while fixing the connections on the Dartmouth side came in at #3. It’s clear that the public wants this investment, but we need to call our councillors to ask them to make the first move.
How can I help fix the bridge?
When you contact your councillor (click here to see their contact information) explain to them how this investment will benefit you, your friends, and your family. Include your home address, and cc so that we can read your stories too. It’s always best to call your councillor and have a thorough conversation. If you do this, please send us an email to tell us who you called and how the call went.
There’s never been a better time to fix the Macdonald Bridge bicycle lanes; we can’t let this opportunity slip through our fingers.
Signs, signs, everywhere signs
You can also help by making a sign for the rally on Tuesday, September 8. Here are some ideas for slogans:
- Fix the bridge!
- Bridge the gap!
- End the cruel joke
- Time for a new approach!
- Time to ramp up our efforts
- Our bridge should not be a barrier
- The bridge should be for everyone!
- Regress the egress
- Stop the ramp cramp!
- Want to make connections? Let’s start with the bridge!