September 15, 2024

Support for University and Morris Cycling Infrastructure

HRM staff preliminary design for cycling infrastructure on University and Morris passes at Transportation Standing Committee but passing full Council should not be taken for granted.


On August 29, 2024, HRM Transportation Standing Committee considered a staff report on the 30% design for cycling facilities on University Avenue and Morris Street. While not perfect, the proposal is very good and would, if implemented, represent a major improvement in our safe cycling network.

The proposal includes a bold (for Halifax) move to convert Morris to one-way for traffic with a two-way protected cycleway. Most of University would have a two-way cycleway (not a multi-use pathway) down the centre boulevard.

I wrote a letter to the committee expressing support for moving forward with the next stage of design.

The proposal did pass, but it was not unanimous and one Councillor (Trish Purdy) spoke against it while another expressed reservations. It now goes to full council (in October) where we cannot taken adoption for granted.

Please consider writing to your Councillor asking for their support.