March 2, 2013

Open Street with Gil Penalosa

G_Penalosa_Headshot Gill Penalosa has worked in over 130 countries as the Executive Director of 8-80 Cities, A Canadian-based NGO. The 8-80 philosophy is to create livable cities for all ages, 8 through 80 years old. Gil also works as a senior consultant for GEHL Architects, serves on the Board of Directors of the City Parks Alliance, USA, and is a Senior Advisor to American Walks and ParticipACTION Canada.

Gill will be at the Dalhousie Planning school this week discussing Open Streets around the world.

Open Streets with Gil Penalosa
Friday, March 8th, 2013 @ 10:00 AM
Exhibition Room, Ralph M. Medjuck Building
5410 Spring Garden Road

Switch Halifax will be present to share perspectives and experiences of the open street concept in Halifax.