June 24, 2014

On Track for 2020

A protected bike lane makes a difference

Halifax has the chance to become the number one medium-sized city in Canada for cycling. We call that being On Track for 2020. With your help we can build 100km of protected bike lanes in the Regional Centre by 2020. By 2020 Halifax will be known nation-wide as a leader in cycling infrastructure and safe streets for people of all ages and abilities.

A protected bike lane is a bike lane that is separated from traffic by a physical barrier such as parked cars, plastic bollards, concrete planters, curbs, or green space. The variety of solutions means that there are options for some of Halifax’s narrowest streets. A protected bike lane is the only proven way to encourage people of all ages and abilities to make the switch to cycling from driving.

How much does it cost to build a protected bike lane?

On Track for 2020 calls for the Halifax Regional Municipality to spend a minimum of $2 million per year building protected bike lanes for the next five years. This is just 4% of the road paving budget in Halifax and less than 1.4% of the city’s transportation budget. In comparison the city will spend over $20m to complete the Bayers Road Widening project. With 100km of protected bike lanes on the Halifax Peninsula and Dartmouth cycling will be the easiest and most convenient way to navigate the city.

Will people use a protected bike lane?

Vancouver increased the number of cyclists entering the downtown by over 100,000 trips per year the year they installed the Dunsmuir Viaduct and Burrard Bridge protected bike lanes. The only way other cities have achieved this sort of growth is through a network of safe and convenient protected bike lanes in every neighbourhood.

The 2006 Regional Plan includes a goal of doubling the proportion of Haligonians biking to work by 2026. The city’s own research has shown that as many as 40% of Haligonians would bike to work if safe infrastructure was built. On Track for 2020 is an effort to help the city achieve its own vision for transportation.

How can I get a protected bike lane on my street?

To keep the city on track with its own goal of doubling the number of cyclists we need your help. Please join the HCC, donate to our campaign, or sign our petition.