October 16, 2013

Nocturne Bike Tour: Light it Up!

This year marks the fourth annual Nocturne Bike Tour held by the Halifax Cycling Coalition.  Two rides will take place, starting from the Bloomfield Centre at 7pm and 730pm on Saturday October 19th.  Check-in for the rides is 30 minutes prior.  We have a wonderful partner this year, Share the Road, who will be providing high-visability shirts and simple bike maintenance prior to the rides.

We have a few other modifications to the ride this year.  Firstly the most visible rider/bike on each tour will receive a prize! So gather up all your lights/reflectors/neon gear, and get flashy.  Secondly our guides will be providing insider information about each of the installations, details that the artists have shared exclusively with the HCC!  As always this ride is a great way to start your Nocturne night, so come join us for a free/fun/festive tour.

Event information will be kept up to date on the facebook page or the HCC twitter account.