January 5, 2015

Next steps in Dartmouth

Thank you to everyone who came out to Beyond the Bridge on December 9th. The event was a huge success and it’s all thanks to people like you who came out to share your thoughts and aspirations for the future of cycling in Dartmouth.

Here are some of the key themes that came out of the engagement event:

  • Bike Buddies (to help new cyclists get into the groove of cycling)
  • Signage for routes that already exist (but no one knows about)
  • Promotion and Education (including safety. Bike lights anyone??)
  • Infrastructure and Maintenance (including connections to the Bridge and over the Circumferential)

Great ideas! So what happens now?

Next steps in Dartmouth

At the end of the night we asked everyone to put their name down to show how involved they’d like to be in making it all happen and a few of you signed up for the Core Team. This Team will act as a working group in Dartmouth, meeting regularly throughout the year. The first step for the Team is to go over the feedback from Beyond the Bridge and decide what to do with it.

The first meeting is Tuesday Jan 13th. If you signed up to be part of the Core Team you will receive an email in the next few days with the details. If not, it’s not too late to take a bigger part in the future of cycling in Dartmouth. Contact us to be added to the team!