June 5, 2017

Help make cycling for everyone in Halifax!

The first weekend of HRM Bike Week has come to a close and it’s already looking like this may be the best one yet! On Saturday, people on bicycles perused special deals at the Seaport Market (big thanks to the amazing vendors!) and explored our beloved city with I Heart Bikes during Doors Open Halifax. To keep the good times rolling, everyone headed over to Switch Dartmouth on Sunday and finished off the weekend with a group ride led by MEC and pizza at the Park Avenue Community Oven. This was only the start of a week jam-packed with events happening all over HRM!

The theme of this year’s Bike Week celebrations, “Cycling For Everyone!”, is one that is very near and dear to our hearts as an organization. We believe that Bike Week has the potential to be an initiative that reflects those ideas every year and becomes a truly inclusive event that encourages more people to cycle in Halifax.

Recognizing that the bicycle is an excellent agent for bringing people together and cultivating and strengthening community, we wanted to do something different with our signature Bike Week event this year. Even after all of the fun we had this weekend, we are looking forward to our Bike-In Movie Night on the Halifax Common to wrap up Bike Week. On June 10th, we invite you to bring your bike and cozy up under the stars for the film “Wadjda”. This award-winning film is the beautiful story of a young girl living in a suburb of Saudi Arabia determined to raise enough money to buy the bike of her dreams. Starting at 6:00pm, there will be vendors, tune-up tents, food trucks, Art Bikers, bike demos, and more!
The work of the Halifax Cycling Coalition over the past decade has been dedicated to making cycling something that is accessible for everyone living in our city. In the spirit of Bike Week’s theme, we look forward to continuing to push for the gold standard in cycling infrastructure for all ages, all abilities, all year round. Our work is crucial for building the cycling community and support with the public and decision-makers for projects and policy to achieve a more bike-friendly Halifax. To ensure that cycling can be for everyone, even after Bike Week is over, we are aiming to raise $10,000 this June to support our advocacy efforts. If safer cycling in Halifax is important to you, please consider donating today.