December 16, 2013

Happy holidays!

Thank you for your support in 2013!

It’s been a big year for the HCC. We’ve had a lot to celebrate with a new bike lane on the Peninsula, a growing membership, and a decent amount of media attention on cycling issues.  Now it’s just about time for us to hibernate, spend time with family, and get ready for an even bigger 2014. But before that, we have a few final announcements for you. Check them out below.
On the topic of helmet laws:

Many of you are now aware of a proposal for the HCC to advocate for the repeal of Nova Scotia’s mandatory bike helmet law, arguing that helmets are not necessary for utilitarian cycling. In 2011 the HCC Board of Directors voted unanimously to support the existing helmet law. Last week we unanimously upheld that position, stating that “helmets are a necessary precaution to reduce the severity of injury in the event of a collision. The HCC believes that helmets alone do not make cycling safe and will continue to advocate for safer infrastructure design.” Stay up-to-date on helmet issues here.Mountain Equipment Co-op Partnership
The HCC has recently signed an agreement with Mountain Equipment Co-op, making them our first Community Partner. Mountain Equipment Co-op’s contribution will be used toward program funding for the HCC in 2014 and will provide a stable base from which the HCC can continue to grow. We’re excited for the opportunities this has opened up for us.We are currently formalizing what it means to be a “Community Partner,” which is a significant step up from our Partner ($175+), 10-speed ($175), and Training wheels ($75) programs started in early 2013. If your business is interested in joining at any partnership level please do not hesitate to get in touch. Going forward we will be looking to create several large partnerships.

The HCC’s partner program is constructed to ensure the independence of the HCC to determine its priorities and how it operates. If you have any questions or concerns about this, please contact us.

Winter Cycling
We know that the best way to get to work is by bike. All winter long be sure to plan for a slightly longer commute, wear warm clothes, and ensure your lights are in good working order. If the weather closes in, most Metro Transit buses and all of the ferries have bike racks. We’re looking to revamp our Winter Cycling Tips section on our website. If you have any suggestions, please let us know by sending an email or sharing your ideas with us using facebook or twitter.

Holiday deals

Mountain Equipment Co-op
Free events:
Monday – Bike Maintenance 101
Friday – Bike Maintenance 201 (topics vary)
Sunday – Indoor Spin Session
To register, visit members receive 10% off bike shop services until end of January.Atlantic News
Atlantic News is now stocking “Rouleur,” a magazine about cycling. Check them out at the corner of Morris St and Queen St.

Other supporters
Don’t forget to stop by our other supporters to see what deals they have for HCC members.

Holiday Wish List
If you’re planning on getting (or giving) gifts for Christmas, here’s a list of suggestions:
– Winter tires
– Warm gloves
– Waterproof rain pants
– Waterproof panniers
– Lights and reflectors
– And if you want to go all out, a “winter” bike

See you in 2014!