January 28, 2025
A call for external consultants to develop a Vulnerable Road Safety Action Plan and other urgent actions.
January 28, 2025
It is sad that staff have spent so many years developing a design that does not meet the original objectives given by Council nor the principles of the Integrated Mobility Plan. In particular, the lack of dedicated bus lanes in the northbound direction represent an utter failure. The diminishing share of costs borne by federal and provincial governments and port authority make us question why HRM priorities are not first in line.
January 26, 2025
Multi-use pathways (MUPs) require people walking, rolling and cycling to share the same space. MUPs are used as a substitute for separate and protected bike lanes even though they are unsuitable in most of our urban corridors and high-volume contexts: they prioritise vehicle use, delay modal shift in the municipality, and fuel pedestrian-cyclist conflicts. It is the HCC position that bicycle infrastructure in urban settings be separated from people walking and rolling, and protected from vehicle traffic.
January 26, 2025
Results of the latest HRM survey of residents have been released. At least one councillor observed that the survey is racially biased in that 90% of respondents are white. It is also biased by age with those under 24 underrepresented (2% respondents vs 11% of the population) and seniors over-represented (32% of respondents vs 21% of the population). We don’t know if the sampling was seriously biased in other dimensions as that data is not provided. In the Advocacy section, more problems with the survey are exposed.
December 20, 2024
Reflecting on the successes of the past year and memberships which help us achieve them. The good, bad and ugly of the new HRM Council decisions to continue or discontinue relevant staff reports. Monthly cycling tips focussing on safer winter cycling.
November 22, 2024
We produced this video for the 2024 election but the message doesn’t age: Halifax is a biking city. We wanted an upbeat message for general consumption, so we highlighted the Statscan report that Halifax is second only to Victoria in the proportion of commuters who use active transportation. And, we have the fastest growing rate in Canada.
November 22, 2024
It’s about time the Traffic Safety Act, passed with all-party support in 2018, was proclaimed. And, we’ve just published a draft policy on Multi-use paths (MUPs) for feedback.
October 22, 2024
We now have the overwhelming majority of Council on the record as supporting cycling and sustainable mobility. We’re not naive — we realize that it still needs to translate into tangible support.
The situation in Ontario is grim with the provincial government using bike lanes as a wedge issue. Find out why this matters to us.
Vivamus sagittis tortor et nisi dolor ipsum – ipsum nulla glavida dolor ipsum elementum dolor.
Mauris varius neque id est semper elementum. In pharetra leo nisi non iaculis nisl fermentum.
Phasellus a cursus elit. Praesent varius sem id felis scelerisque vehicula Sed sed pharetra velit lorem ipsum.
Phasellus velit nisi, lobortis quis nisi et, venenatis finibus velit. Integer non nibh eget arcu malesuada ullamcorper.
Maecenas vehicula semper tortor, ut auctor diam ornare ut. Pellentesque et ex et dolor tempor suscipit. Phasellus vel orci vel orci tincidunt interdum.
Duis volutpat, mi id cursus rhoncus, purus augue aliquam arcu, sit amet rhoncus tellus neque aliquet sapien.
Special Partner
Special Partner
Curabitur eu fermentum – purus quis metus aliquam sagittis. Etiam ligula felis, gravida lobortis odio in vehicula vulputate purus.
Diana Green
The7 Media Group - CEO
Nunc fermentum – tempus erat ligula, sit amet lacinia justo cursus ac. Suspendisse quis nulla tincidunt!
Alex Brown
Seven Web - creative director
Quisque eget odio felis. Suspendisse quis nulla tincidunt, cursus tellus condimentum, consequat sapien at ornare ex, quis fringilla tortor.
Stephan Lee
Private entrepreneur
Best fermentum quam et tortor euismod, vel maximus metus tristique. Nam tempus erat! Curabitur eu fermentum odio purus. Awesome servise!
Tiffany Wellington
Seven Magazine - PR manager
Pellentesque condimentum velit tortor. Cras at ornare ex, quis fringilla tortor. Nunc fermentum quam et tortor euismod.
Richard Black
Curabitur eu fermentum odio. Duis quis metus aliquam sagittis. Etiam ligula felis, gravida lobortis! Nam tempus erat ligula, sit amet. Best lorem ipsum dolor!
James Jefferson
Seven Arts - founder
Suspendisse quis nulla tincidunt, cursus tellus condimentum, consequat sapien at ornare ex, quis fringilla tortor.
Alexandra Wild
Seven Creative - founder
Imperdiet eros vel nulla facilisis eleifend. Suspendisse sagittis, odio nec rutrum suscipit, eros felis rhoncus erat vel pellentesque loremipsum dolor. Thank you!
John Wolf
Curabitur eu fermentum – purus quis metus aliquam sagittis. Etiam ligula felis, gravida lobortis odio in vehicula vulputate purus.
Diana Green
The7 Media Group - CEO
Nunc fermentum – tempus erat ligula, sit amet lacinia justo cursus ac. Suspendisse quis nulla tincidunt!
Alex Brown
Seven Web - creative director
Quisque eget odio felis. Suspendisse quis nulla tincidunt, cursus tellus condimentum, consequat sapien at ornare ex, quis fringilla tortor.
Stephan Lee
Private entrepreneur
Best fermentum quam et tortor euismod, vel maximus metus tristique. Nam tempus erat! Curabitur eu fermentum odio purus. Awesome servise!
Tiffany Wellington
Seven Magazine - PR manager
Pellentesque condimentum velit tortor. Cras at ornare ex, quis fringilla tortor. Nunc fermentum quam et tortor euismod.
Richard Black
Curabitur eu fermentum odio. Duis quis metus aliquam sagittis. Etiam ligula felis, gravida lobortis! Nam tempus erat ligula, sit amet. Best lorem ipsum dolor!
James Jefferson
Seven Arts - founder
Suspendisse quis nulla tincidunt, cursus tellus condimentum, consequat sapien at ornare ex, quis fringilla tortor.
Alexandra Wild
Seven Creative - founder
Imperdiet eros vel nulla facilisis eleifend. Suspendisse sagittis, odio nec rutrum suscipit, eros felis rhoncus erat vel pellentesque loremipsum dolor. Thank you!