October 27, 2015

Donate your bicycle to a refugee family

Life is tough for newly-arrived refugees in Canada. Groups like Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia (ISANS) are working to improve the conditions of refugees so that they can reap the benefits of living in Canada. Transportation is an expensive barrier for these families, so we are partnering with ISANS and the Ecology Action Centre to teach refugee families how to ride. To make this happen we need your help. Please consider donating your old bicycle to these refugees on November 7th from 9am-12pm at Cyclesmith, 2553 Agricola Street, Halifax.

We are looking for bicycles for kids aged 8-12, as well as for adults. If you have a working bicycle that you no longer use please consider donating it to the program. Our volunteers are able to make minor repairs to the bicycles, but if your bicycle needs major work please consider sending it elsewhere. Any bicycles we don’t use will be donated to the Dalhousie Bike Centre and Bike Again, where they will find new use among members of the community.

We would like to thank Killam Properties for their financial support of this project, and Cyclesmith for providing the drop-off space. We will have more updates about this project in the spring, when we’ve trained the first group of refugees about bicycle use in Halifax.