June 22, 2016

Windsor Street bicycle lane third anniversary ride

 Registration is closed for this event
Help us celebrate the third anniversary of the Windsor Street bicycle lane being approved.

On June 25th, 2013, Halifax Council approved the Windsor Street bicycle lane. This was to be the first of three north-south bicycle routes on the Peninsula. Join us on Saturday evening for a tour of the Windsor Street bicycle lane and two of the other lanes that have not been built or further studied. We will have cake and light refreshments after the ride. The ride is family-friendly.

At the end of the ride we will have a celebration of council's historic decision to purchase side guards for all city trucks. Side guards, bus passes and Sidney Crosby: highlights from Halifax Regional Council.

Please arrive a few minutes early to sign the liability waiver.

For old times' sake, the staff report is available here, and the presentation here. Since the approval of the Windsor Street bicycle lane, we have asked almost every month at the Active Transportation Advisory Committee when the local street bikeway policy would be ready. The answer has generally been "next month." This March 2015 report shows it was at that time complete and under final review. As of last week, the policy will be ready for public discussion next month. We'll keep you posted.

June 25th, 2016 from  6:00 PM to  7:30 PM
2786 Agricola St
Bloomfield Centre
Halifax, NS B3K4E1
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