May 25, 2017


In this election, active transportation took a back seat. None of the parties presented a credible plan to help Nova Scotia’s municipalities implement their shovel-ready active transportation plans, and we did not have the resources to shift the conversation mid-campaign. With that said, let’s work together to raise attention for active transportation in Nova Scotia.

The Halifax Cycling Coalition presents #Bike2VoteNS, a fun social media campaign to raise the profile of cycling in this province.

It’s simple: when you vote this week, take a selfie near (not inside) the polling station featuring you and your bicycle. Post it to your favorite social media channel along with a commitment you want to see in the next election along and the hashtags #Bike2VoteNS & #nspoli. We have some prizes available for our favorite posts. Election Day is May 30

STEP #1: when you vote this week, take a selfie near (not inside) the polling station featuring you and your bicycle. Post it to your favorite social media channel along with a commitment you want to see in the next election along and the hashtags #Bike2VoteNS & #nspoli. We have some prizes available for our favorite posts. Election Day is May 30

STEP #2: Post it to your favorite social media channel along with a commitment you want to see in the next election along and the hashtags #Bike2VoteNS & #nspoli. We have some prizes available for our favorite posts.

Election Day is May 30th from 8am-8pm, and advance polls are open through Saturday. Find out more information on voting from Elections Nova Scotia.

Once the election is over, we will be in touch with our ideas to encourage the next government to help implement Nova Scotia’s 17 municipal Active Transportation plans, continue our work to make the Motor Vehicle Act better for people who bike, and more work to reduce Nova Scotia’s nation-leading rates of obesity and chronic disease: two major problems that can be mitigated with investment in cycling.

If you like the work that we are doing on #Bike2VoteNS or other cycling issues, please take a moment to donate or become a member. Your member dues and donations go directly to our work to make Halifax a great place to ride a bicycle.