August 8, 2022

Press Release: Peninsula South Complete Streets

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, Monday, August 8, 2022

K’jipuktuk (Halifax) – Halifax’s Peninsula South Complete Streets Project will be a valued section of our minimum bike lane network. It will provide suitable safe infrastructure for people biking and all other road users, including people walking, wheeling, micro-mobility users and vehicle occupants. Re-allocating street space to ensure all road users are supported is the main objective of this project. It’s not about bikes vs. cars,  bikes vs. trees or cars vs. pedestrians – it’s about shared social and environmental sustainability that benefits everyone. It’s about improving mobility in ways that benefit all users of our public pavements, pathways and sidewalks with safety and equity.

Complete Streets are streets that are safe and inviting for all users, regardless of age, ability, income, race, ethnicity, or mode of travel. They are both great destinations and important public spaces which improve the safe and efficient movement of people and goods. Modifying road spaces to better support public transit, cycling and micro-mobility while maintaining our urban greenery is essential; most people living in or passing through urban areas require much more than parking spaces and fast road networks for driving. We need enjoyable, safe and accessible mobility routes with pleasant places for chatting, shopping and relaxing. 

It is important to recognize the concerns of neighbours and residents who care for the trees on their streets and are concerned about their potential loss. We attended a recent resident meeting and fully appreciate the concerns expressed particularly relating to the loss of mature healthy trees. People cycling benefit from tree-lined streets too, including from the shade and the enjoyment of cycling through nature. Our wishes and aims are therefore mutual, not opposed. We are glad to see that there is ample road width on the two key streets – University Avenue and South Street – to support all the goals of Complete Streets, including safe cycling infrastructure, the city’s urban forest and safe and comfortable sidewalks. 

HCC is committed to continuing to work with HRM to ensure a Complete Streets approach is maintained through the designs it proposes, builds and maintains.  We believe this support is best provided by sharing our member’s experiences and needs with staff and residents. As a cycling organization, we are prepared to provide input on what makes great cycling infrastructure, while also advocating for streets that benefit all vulnerable road users. We are confident that a respectful way forward can be found that minimizes tree loss yet maximizes the opportunity for safe infrastructure for everyone, including people cycling. We look forward to working with staff, the community and leadership closely to ensure this happens.

To learn more about the Peninsula South Streets Project visit: 

For more information contact: 

Mark Nener

Active Transportation Planner, Halifax Regional Municipality


Halifax Cycling Coalition Office
