October 17, 2016

Bicycle Counter & Street Sense Network

To View Today’s Bicycle Count got toStreet Sense Network Website

A bicycle counter is now tracking cyclists travelling Southbound on Agricola Street. This is the first open-data bicycle counter in the HRM and was purchased by the Halifax Cycling Coalition in order increase the availability of information on bicycle use. HCC’s bicycle counter is part of a partnership with Dalhousie Transportation Collaboratory and the Municipality to improve the transparency and availability of data in Halifax.

Open data website for bicycle counts

Street Sense Network online platform publicly displays bicycle data

The bicycle-counter tracks the number of bicycles traveling Southbound on Agricola Street. The website launched today displays information of bicycle use from when the counter was installed on October 3rd, 2016.

ECO-Counter tracking the number bicycles travelling Southbound on Agricola St

Every time a bicycle passes over the rubber tubes, the sensor detects pressure change and transmits the information to the counter portal.  The tube counter can differentiate between cyclists and other road users with a 95% accuracy, which is comparable to motor vehicle counters.

A bicycle counter provides quantifiable data to justify improvements for active transportation corridors and establish baseline data for the number of cyclists. The data provides traffic analysts, planners, city officials and the public with quantifiable data for bicycles to inform the design of our streets. Bicycle-counters have been installed in cities across Canada including Montreal, Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver, Ottawa, and produce data that guide their bicycle transportation strategy.The HCC bicycle counter will remain on Agricola Street until November 15th or until the first snowfall. We look forward to this pilot project resulting in a semi-permanent counters being installed to track bicycles year-round.

We are excited to see the results of this project and look forward to working with our partners and grow the Street Sense Network in the HRM.