April 14, 2021

TAKE ACTION: Portland Street & Cole Harbour Road need bike lanes

Take Action

Take the steps listed below to advocate for a safe, comfortable, and direct cycling route along the Portland Street / Cole Harbour Road corridor. Take action now.

  1. Take HRM’s online survey about the project before Wednesday, April 21st
  2. Email the councillors in the area, and cc the Mayor and the HRM staff person who’s leading the project (see template below – copy and paste the info to send your email)
  3. Call the councillors in the area to follow up
  • Becky Kent (902) 478-5368 (District 3 – Dartmouth South – Eastern Passage)
  • Trish Purdy (902) 240-3067 (District 4 – Cole Harbour – Westphal)
  • Sam Austin (902) 579-6814 (District 5 – Downtown Dartmouth)
  • Tony Mancini (902) 292-4823 (District 6 – Harbourview – Burnside – Dartmouth East)

Please submit your feedback by Wednesday, April 21st, 2021.

The Issue

The Halifax Regional Municipality is undertaking a functional planning study for Portland Street and Cole Harbour Road in Dartmouth. This route is the main connection for residents and visitors to access Cole Harbour and surrounding neighbourhoods. Currently, the road prioritizes the movement of vehicles, with very little infrastructure for walking, rolling, cycling, or transit. 

The planning process is focusing on improving transit connections, and while the Shape Your City project page talks about improvements for active transportation, the planners have indicated that they do not intend for a protected cycling route to be part of the plan for this road. 

A safe, comfortable, and direct bike route is essential for this street, as it is the main route to and from Downtown Dartmouth and Halifax from this area. If HRM is developing a plan for how they will re-design the street to prioritize transit and active transportation, now is the time to incorporate bike lanes. 

From HRM’s Shape Your City website:

“The functional design should have a strong emphasis on transit priority as well as active transportation and be completed through a “complete streets” lens.”

In 2017, HRM passed the Integrated Mobility Plan, and with that plan, they made a promise to HRM residents that they would provide mobility options. Residents in these neighbourhoods have a right to safely travel by bike and HRM needs to provide this option.

Sample Email to Councillors

To: becky.kent@halifax.casam.austin@halifax.catrish.purdy@halifax.catony.mancini@halifax.ca

Cc: mayor@halifax.caharrison.mcgrath@halifax.ca

Bcc: contact@cyclehalifax.ca

Subject: Bike Lanes on Portland Street and Cole Harbour Road

Dear Members of Halifax Regional Council,

I am writing to ask that you ensure that safe, comfortable, and direct bike lanes are implemented on Portland Street and Cole Harbour Road as part of the functional planning study currently underway in this area. 

Being able to cycle safely in Dartmouth and Cole Harbour would have a huge impact on me and my family. We could save money on car expenses, build physical activity into our day, and lower our greenhouse gas emissions. We want the option to be able to access shops and services in our community, as well as accessing downtown by bike. 

I urge you to champion bike lanes for Portland Street and Cole Harbour Road at Regional Council and direct staff to incorporate protected bike lanes into the functional planning study currently underway. With big design changes happening on Portland Street and Cole Harbour Road, now is the time to act to improve cycling infrastructure in the area. 

Thank you for your time and consideration. 
