Keep your bicycle safe by registering it. We’ve partnered with the world’s largest bike registry, Project 529 Garage, to create a local bike registration.
Project 529 Garage is a national database that helps fight bike theft. Their community includes over 400 law enforcement agencies, universities, bike clubs and bike shops around the world, as well as 529 users. They have already helped recover countless bikes, and are well-equipped to help recover potentially stolen bikes.
Bike registration is available to anyone. You can buy a shield on amazon. The shields are tamper-resistant/water-resistant decals that have a unique, seven-character ID code which adds an extra identifier and layer of protection for your bike. The shield sends a warning to bike thieves to back off because there will be a whole community of people who get notified if it ever goes missing. In the event of a theft and law enforcement or an unknowing buyer finds a shield on your bike, they’ll be able to look your bike up on the 529 Garage and get your bike back to you.