
Get involved in advocacy work with the HCC
You can Push for Progress by sending emails and making calls to city staff, planners, and politicians about planned or in progress bike infrastructure projects. Visit our Current Infrastructure Projects page to learn about and support the construction of bike lanes and other city cycling projects.

What is Advocacy?
Advocacy at the Halifax Cycling Coalition involves convincing government officials and building relationships with various community stakeholders to support cycling-friendly policies and infrastructure in HRM. Our goal is to enhance cycling accessibility and visibility. This includes direct engagement such as emails, calls, and meetings, as well as hosting events or fundraisers. Interested in collaborating on an event or fundraiser? Contact us at using the button below.
Why Advocate?
If you’re someone in Halifax who likes to bike—in any way, shape, or form—cycling infrastructure and advocacy can make it easier and more comfortable for you. Even if you’re personally comfortable on the roads already, not everyone shares that experience, and everyone should be able to feel safe and comfortable while cycling in Halifax.

On Friday, June 19, 2020, 25 riders of the Toronto Bike Brigade provided bike marshaling support for a massive all-day Sit-In from Yonge and College (Police HQ) to Nathan Phillips Square led by #NotAnotherBlackLife (
Cycling and Social Justice
Cycling offers proven mental and physical health benefits, encouraging exercise and outdoor time while being economical and often faster than driving or public transit during rush hour. However, cyclists are subject to street traffic and enforcement, which disproportionately impact Black and Indigenous people in Halifax.
At the Halifax Cycling Coalition, we advocate not just for traffic laws but for infrastructure that physically protects cyclists and supports justice and accessibility. A bike is more than a vehicle; it’s a tool for equity in our community.
Facts from Velo Canada Bikes
Strategies for Effective Advocacy
Your voice can make a real difference for cycling in Halifax. The more that politicians and municipal staff hear from people that support high-quality cycling infrastructure, the more they will prioritize it. They also frequently hear from residents who oppose new cycling infrastructure projects, so it’s important for them to hear voices in support.

- Don’t duplicate someone else’s efforts, but amplify the voices of others
- Know how your voice supports the issue you’re advocating for and fits into the overall landscape
- Research what’s already been done and know what policies and plans already exists
- Amplify HCC information: We are a knowledgeable and informed advocacy group, and you can help deliver that message
- se your inside connections as well as outside strategies
- Listen to the concerns of opponents and provide counter-arguments don’t waste your energy on people who are strongly anti-cycling
- Pro-bike (not anti-car)
- Clear (e.g. identify demands, goals, and reasons)
- Truthful and factual (without too many details)
- Use personal stories to illustrate the issues
- Respectful of everyone you work with, and most importantly, those who you work against
- Engaged with relevant current events (e.g. health concerns, mobility equity)
- Letters to the editor
- Letters to politicians and staff at HRM
- Meetings with politicians and staff at HRM
- Guest editorials or features
- Cycling events or fundraisers
- Media interviews
- Newsletter stories to companies, NGOs
- Social media campaigns