Nova Scotia Cycling Summit

“Until all the agencies concerned with all the means of public and private transportation are brought together with a common purpose, we will continue to witness the counterproductive and utterly thoughtless and random works we see today.”
~ Derek Watts, ex-President Bicycle Nova Scotia.

The”building of bridges” over the many gaps hindering the development of cycling in Nova Scotia has become an urgent necessity. You can be that person helping to build that bridge in your community.

Velo Cape Breton invites you to the annual Nova Scotia Cycling Summit on October 4, 5 & 6th at the Holiday Inn, Sydney to hear cycling experts and professionals working in communities across Nova Scotia and who will inspire you to move cycling forward in your community.

Our keynote speakers are Norma Moores from the IBI Group and Marc Jolicoeur from VéloQuébec; both are professional engineers specializing in designing for Active Transportation and both are keen cyclists.
More information (pre-agenda) and registration

3 comments on “Nova Scotia Cycling Summit

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